

This book has been read to four generations of my wife’s family, and I thought it was time that the art at least was shared more widely. Published in 1935, Puppies was the work of artist Diana Thorne (1894-1953) whose odyssey took her from Russia to Germany to England and Canada before she arrived in the U.S.


From “Foolish Little Bing”


“The Stranger” in which Tuck finds a mirror leaning against a wall.


“The Good Little Beggars” in which Nig and Nip are forced to stay in the sun-room and play with their rubber rats during tea, but eventually score a cookie by being polite.


“The Mischief-Makers,” Sandy and Andy, play with goldfish, who survive.


“Scrappy Rescues Nancy”  at the beach, successfully battling a mongrel who attempts to steal his mistress’ doll.

Diana with Pat

A self-portrait with her dog Pat.

* * *

There is a bio of Diana Thorne here.

Beer Hall


A postcard of the Hofbrauhaus in Munich, art by Fritz Quidenus, (1867-1928), mailed from Germany to the U.S. in 1930, in which the sender writes, “The people are friendly — the music, lovely — and the beer (‘nuf said).”

Perhaps a Primitivo

“Conan staggered dizzily up, shaking the sweat and blood out of his eyes. Blood dripped from his poniard and fingers, and trickled in rivulets down his thighs, arms and breast. Murilo caught at him to support him, but the barbarian shook him off impatiently.

“‘When I cannot stand alone, it will be time to die,’ he mumbled, through mashed lips. ‘But I’d like a flagon of wine.'”

— From “Rogues in the House” by Robert E. Howard, first published in Weird Tales, January 1934

No Need for Sound


Above, a poster for D.W. Griffith’s “Birth of a Nation” (1915), for its showing in Denmark, from a collection of silent film posters at 50 Watts, with thanks to Kathy Biehl for the introduction. And more below:


Salomé (1923)


Sherlock Holmes (1922) with John Barrymore


Who Is “Number One”? (1917), a serial starring Kathleen Clifford